manager Module

Manager Class

class tallypi.manager.Manager(config_filename: Optional[pathlib.Path] = PosixPath('/home/docs/.config/tallypi.yaml'), readonly: Optional[bool] = False)[source]

Bases: object

Manager for tally inputs and outputs

inputs: tallypi.manager.Inputs

All configured inputs

outputs: tallypi.manager.Outputs

All configured outputs

config: tallypi.config.Config

Configuration storage

config_write_evt: asyncio.locks.Event

An that is set when config changes are written

readonly_override: tallypi.manager.ReadonlyOverride

A context manager that can temporarily disable readonly mode

For details, see the ReadonlyOverride class

property readonly: bool

If True config changes are not written to disk (unless overridden)

This is the immutable “readonly” state

async open()[source]

Opens all inputs and outputs

Reads configuration data if necessary with a call to read_config(), then calls open() on the inputs and outputs

async close()[source]

Closes all inputs and outputs

async add_input(obj: tallypi.baseio.BaseInput)[source]

Add an input

Shortcut for calling IOContainer.add() on inputs

async add_output(obj: tallypi.baseio.BaseOutput)[source]

Add an input

Shortcut for calling IOContainer.add() on outputs

async read_config()[source]

Read configuration stored in config and deserialize() the inputs and outputs

async write_config()[source]

Write the current configuration to config using serialize() on inputs and outputs

class tallypi.manager.ReadonlyOverride(config_write_evt: asyncio.locks.Event)[source]

Bases: object

An asynchronous context manager used to override the readonly mode of Manager

While the context is acquired, the Manager is temporarily allowed to write config changes. The config_write_evt event is returned so it will be available as the as clause of the async with statement:

async with manager.readonly_override as config_write_evt:
    await manager.remove_input('foo')
    await config_write_evt.wait()

This allows code to await for config changes to be written before exiting the async with context.

config_write_evt: asyncio.locks.Event

Alias for Manager.config_write_evt

override: bool

True if currently being overridden

state_lock: asyncio.locks.Lock

A lock used while changing states

(during acquire() and release() stages)


True if the context is acquired or if state_lock is locked

async acquire()[source]

Acquire the context and set override to True

Also clears config_write_evt so it can be awaited

async release()[source]

Set override to False and exit the context

Container Classes

class tallypi.manager.IOContainer(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: pydispatch.dispatch.Dispatcher

Container for BaseIO instances

object_added(key: str, obj: tallypi.baseio.BaseIO)

Fired when an instance is added by either deserialize() or add()

object_removed(key: str, obj: tallypi.baseio.BaseIO)

Fired when an instance has been removed


Fired when any change happens that requires a config update

async open()[source]

Call the open() method on all instances

async close()[source]

Call the close() method on all instances

async add(obj: tallypi.baseio.BaseIO, key: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Add an instance to the container

  • obj (BaseIO) – The instance to add

  • key (str, optional) – The key for the instance. If not given, one will be created by key_for_object()

async replace(key: str, obj: tallypi.baseio.BaseIO)[source]

Replace an instance by the given key

async remove(key: str)[source]

Remove an instance by the given key

key_for_object(obj: tallypi.baseio.BaseIO)[source]

Create a unique key based on the class namespace

async deserialize(data: Dict)[source]

Deserialize instances from config data using baseio.BaseIO.deserialize()


Serialize instances to store in the config using baseio.BaseIO.serialize()

class tallypi.manager.Inputs(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: tallypi.manager.IOContainer

Container for BaseInput instances

on_tally_added(inp: BaseInput, tally: tslumd.tallyobj.Tally)

Fired when the baseio.BaseInput.on_tally_added event received from any of the inputs in the container

on_tally_updated(inp: BaseInput, tally: tslumd.tallyobj.Tally)

Fired when the baseio.BaseInput.on_tally_updated event received from any of the inputs in the container

async add(obj: tallypi.baseio.BaseInput, key: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Add an instance to the container

  • obj (BaseIO) – The instance to add

  • key (str, optional) – The key for the instance. If not given, one will be created by key_for_object()

async deserialize(data: Dict)[source]

Deserialize instances from config data using baseio.BaseIO.deserialize()

class tallypi.manager.Outputs(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: tallypi.manager.IOContainer

Container for BaseOutput instances

async bind_all_to_input(inp: tallypi.baseio.BaseInput)[source]

Attach all outputs to the given input

Calls baseio.BaseOutput.bind_to_input() for each output instance

async unbind_all_from_input(inp: tallypi.baseio.BaseInput)[source]

Unbind all outpus from the given input

Calls baseio.BaseOutput.unbind_from_input() for each output instance