Source code for tallypi.manager

from loguru import logger

import asyncio
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Iterable, Optional, Any

from pydispatch import Dispatcher

from tallypi.baseio import BaseIO, BaseInput, BaseOutput
from tallypi.config import Config

__all__ = ('Manager',)

[docs]class IOContainer(Dispatcher): """Container for :class:`~.baseio.BaseIO` instances :Events: .. event:: object_added(key: str, obj: tallypi.baseio.BaseIO) Fired when an instance is added by either :meth:`deserialize` or :meth:`add` .. event:: object_removed(key: str, obj: tallypi.baseio.BaseIO) Fired when an instance has been removed .. event:: update() Fired when any change happens that requires a config update """ objects: Dict[str, BaseIO] running: bool _events_ = [ 'object_added', 'object_removed', 'update', ] def __init__(self): self.objects = {} self.running = False
[docs] async def open(self): """Call the :meth:`` method on all instances """ if self.running: return'{self.__class__} starting...') self.running = True coros = set() for obj in self.values(): coros.add( if len(coros): await asyncio.gather(*coros)'{self.__class__} running')
[docs] async def close(self): """Call the :meth:`~.baseio.BaseIO.close` method on all instances """ if not self.running: return'{self.__class__} stopping...') self.running = False coros = set() for obj in self.values(): coros.add(obj.close()) if len(coros): await asyncio.gather(*coros)'{self.__class__} stopped...')
[docs] async def add(self, obj: BaseIO, key: Optional[str] = None): """Add an instance to the container Arguments: obj(BaseIO): The instance to add key(str, optional): The key for the instance. If not given, one will be created by :meth:`key_for_object` """ if key is None: key = self.key_for_object(obj) = key self.objects[key] = obj if self.running: await self.emit('object_added', key, obj) self.emit('update')
[docs] async def replace(self, key: str, obj: BaseIO): """Replace an instance by the given key """ old = self.objects[key] await old.close() del self.objects[key] self.emit('object_removed', key, old) await self.add(obj, key)
[docs] async def remove(self, key: str): """Remove an instance by the given key """ obj = self[key] del self.objects[key] await obj.close() self.emit('object_removed', key, obj) self.emit('update')
[docs] def key_for_object(self, obj: BaseIO): """Create a unique key based on the class namespace """ if is not None: return ns = '.'.join(obj.namespace.split('.')[1:]) ix = 0 key = f'{ns}:{ix:03d}' while key in self: ix += 1 key = f'{ns}:{ix:03d}' return key
[docs] async def deserialize(self, data: Dict): """Deserialize instances from config data using :meth:`.baseio.BaseIO.deserialize` """ coros = set() for key, val in data.items(): obj = BaseIO.deserialize(val) = key self.objects[key] = obj if self.running: coros.add( self.emit('object_added', key, obj) if len(coros): await asyncio.gather(*coros)
[docs] def serialize(self) -> Dict: """Serialize instances to store in the config using :meth:`.baseio.BaseIO.serialize` """ data = {} for key, obj in self.items(): data[key] = obj.serialize() return data
def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> BaseIO: return self.objects[key] def get(self, key: str, default: Optional[Any] = None) -> Optional[BaseIO]: return self.objects.get(key, default) def __iter__(self) -> Iterable[str]: yield from sorted(self.objects.keys()) def keys(self): yield from self def values(self): for key in self: yield self[key] def items(self): for key in self: yield key, self[key] def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.objects def __len__(self): return len(self.objects) def __repr__(self): return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}: {self}>' def __str__(self): return str(self.objects)
[docs]class Inputs(IOContainer): """Container for :class:`~.baseio.BaseInput` instances :Events: .. event:: on_tally_added(inp: BaseInput, tally: tslumd.tallyobj.Tally) Fired when the :event:`.baseio.BaseInput.on_tally_added` event received from any of the inputs in the container .. event:: on_tally_updated(inp: BaseInput, tally: tslumd.tallyobj.Tally) Fired when the :event:`.baseio.BaseInput.on_tally_updated` event received from any of the inputs in the container """ objects: Dict[str, BaseInput] _events_ = ['on_tally_added', 'on_tally_updated']
[docs] async def add(self, obj: BaseInput, key: Optional[str] = None): await super().add(obj, key) obj.bind( on_tally_added=self._on_input_tally_added, on_tally_updated=self._on_input_tally_updated, )
[docs] async def deserialize(self, data: Dict): await super().deserialize(data) for obj in self.values(): obj.bind( on_tally_added=self._on_input_tally_added, on_tally_updated=self._on_input_tally_updated, )
def _on_input_tally_added(self, *args, **kwargs): self.emit('on_tally_added', *args, **kwargs) def _on_input_tally_updated(self, *args, **kwargs): self.emit('on_tally_updated', *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class Outputs(IOContainer): """Container for :class:`~.baseio.BaseOutput` instances """ objects: Dict[str, BaseOutput] async def bind_to_input(self, inp: BaseInput, outp: BaseOutput): await outp.bind_to_input(inp)
[docs] async def bind_all_to_input(self, inp: BaseInput): """Attach all :class:`outputs <.baseio.BaseOutput>` to the given :class:`input <.baseio.BaseInput>` Calls :meth:`.baseio.BaseOutput.bind_to_input` for each output instance """ coros = set() for outp in self.values(): coros.add(self.bind_to_input(inp=inp, outp=outp)) if len(coros): await asyncio.gather(*coros)
async def unbind_from_input(self, inp: BaseInput, outp: BaseOutput): await outp.unbind_from_input(inp)
[docs] async def unbind_all_from_input(self, inp: BaseInput): """Unbind all :class:`outpus <.baseio.BaseOutput>` from the given :class:`input <.baseio.BaseInput>` Calls :meth:`.baseio.BaseOutput.unbind_from_input` for each output instance """ coros = set() for outp in self.values(): coros.add(self.unbind_from_input(inp=inp, outp=outp)) if len(coros): await asyncio.gather(*coros)
[docs]class Manager: """Manager for tally inputs and outputs """ inputs: Inputs #: All configured inputs outputs: Outputs #: All configured outputs config: Config #: Configuration storage running: bool config_read: bool readonly_override: 'ReadonlyOverride' """A context manager that can temporarily disable :attr:`readonly` mode For details, see the :class:`ReadonlyOverride` class """ config_write_evt: asyncio.Event """An :class:`` that is set when config changes are written """ _events_ = ['config_written'] def __init__(self, config_filename: Optional[Path] = Config.DEFAULT_FILENAME, readonly: Optional[bool] = False): self.__readonly = readonly self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.inputs = Inputs() self.outputs = Outputs() self.inputs.bind_async(self.loop, object_added=self.on_input_added, object_removed=self.on_input_removed, update=self.on_io_update, ) self.outputs.bind_async(self.loop, object_added=self.on_output_added, update=self.on_io_update, ) self.config = Config(filename=config_filename) self.running = False self.config_read = False self.config_write_evt = asyncio.Event() self.readonly_override = ReadonlyOverride(self.config_write_evt) @property def readonly(self) -> bool: """If ``True`` config changes are not written to disk (unless overridden) This is the immutable "readonly" state """ return self.__readonly @property def _readonly(self) -> bool: """``True`` if :attr:`readonly` is ``True`` and :attr:`readonly_override` is ``False`` (if "readonly" and not overridden) """ if not self.__readonly: return False if self.readonly_override: return False return True
[docs] async def open(self): """Opens all inputs and outputs Reads configuration data if necessary with a call to :meth:`read_config`, then calls :meth:`` on the :attr:`inputs` and :attr:`outputs` """ if self.running: return'Manager starting...') self.running = True if not self.config_read: await self.read_config() await await logger.success('Manager running')
[docs] async def close(self): """Closes all inputs and outputs """ if not self.running: return'Manager stopping...') self.running = False await self.outputs.close() await self.inputs.close() logger.success('Manager stopped')
[docs] async def add_input(self, obj: BaseInput): """Add an input Shortcut for calling :meth:`IOContainer.add` on :attr:`inputs` """ await self.inputs.add(obj)
[docs] async def add_output(self, obj: BaseOutput): """Add an input Shortcut for calling :meth:`IOContainer.add` on :attr:`outputs` """ await self.outputs.add(obj)
[docs] async def read_config(self): """Read configuration stored in :attr:`config` and :meth:`~IOContainer.deserialize` the :attr:`inputs` and :attr:`outputs` """ data = await self.inputs.deserialize(data.get('inputs', {})) await self.outputs.deserialize(data.get('outputs', {})) self.config_read = True
@logger.catch async def on_input_added(self, key: str, obj: BaseInput, **kwargs): await self.outputs.bind_all_to_input(obj) @logger.catch async def on_input_removed(self, key: str, obj: BaseInput, **kwargs): await self.outputs.unbind_all_from_input(obj) @logger.catch async def on_output_added(self, key: str, obj: BaseOutput, **kwargs): coros = set() for inp in self.inputs.values(): coros.add(obj.bind_to_input(inp)) if len(coros): await asyncio.gather(*coros) async def on_io_update(self, *args, **kwargs): async with self.readonly_override.state_lock: if self._readonly: return await self.write_config()
[docs] async def write_config(self): """Write the current configuration to :attr:`config` using :meth:`~IOContainer.serialize` on :attr:`inputs` and :attr:`outputs` """ async with self.readonly_override.state_lock: if self._readonly: return data = { 'inputs':self.inputs.serialize(), 'outputs':self.outputs.serialize(), } self.config.write(data) self.config_write_evt.set()
async def __aenter__(self): await return self async def __aexit__(self, *args): await self.close()
[docs]class ReadonlyOverride: """An :term:`asynchronous context manager` used to override the :attr:`~Manager.readonly` mode of :class:`Manager` While the context is acquired, the :class:`Manager` is temporarily allowed to write config changes. The :attr:`config_write_evt` event is returned so it will be available as the *as* clause of the :keyword:`async with` statement:: async with manager.readonly_override as config_write_evt: await manager.remove_input('foo') await config_write_evt.wait() This allows code to :keyword:`await` for config changes to be written before exiting the :keyword:`async with` context. """ config_write_evt: asyncio.Event """Alias for :attr:`Manager.config_write_evt` """ override: bool """``True`` if currently being overridden """ state_lock: asyncio.Lock """A lock used while changing states (during :meth:`acquire` and :meth:`release` stages) """ def __init__(self, config_write_evt: asyncio.Event): self.config_write_evt = config_write_evt self.override = False self._lock = asyncio.Lock() self.state_lock = asyncio.Lock()
[docs] def locked(self): """``True`` if the context is acquired or if :attr:`state_lock` is locked """ return self._lock.locked() or self.state_lock.locked()
def __bool__(self): return self.override
[docs] async def acquire(self): """Acquire the context and set :attr:`override` to ``True`` Also clears :attr:`config_write_evt` so it can be *awaited* """ async with self.state_lock: await self._lock.acquire() self.config_write_evt.clear() self.override = True
[docs] async def release(self): """Set :attr:`override` to ``False`` and exit the context """ async with self.state_lock: self.override = False self._lock.release()
async def __aenter__(self): await self.acquire() return self.config_write_evt async def __aexit__(self, *args): await self.release()
if __name__ == '__main__': loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() mgr = Manager() loop.run_until_complete( try: loop.run_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: loop.run_until_complete(mgr.close()) finally: loop.run_until_complete(mgr.close()) loop.close()